I am delighted to announce that following our recent Catholic School Inspection, St Mary’s continues to be a ‘Good’ school. This judgement was reached after a 2-day inspection on 13 & 14 March.

This outcome is testament to the tireless efforts of all staff and governors, but especially our Religious Studies team and our Chaplain, Anthony. In addition, your parental contribution as first educators in the faith, coupled with the enthusiasm pupils demonstrate for the faith life here at St Mary’s, cannot be underestimated. We very much appreciate all that you do, and hope that you can recognise the school you know in this report. 

This outcome demonstrates how St Mary’s continues to thrive since its last Catholic School Inspection in June 2016. Back then, the school was unable to secure any Outstanding verdicts. This report highlights 7 out of 9 areas as being Outstanding, with both Catholic Life and Mission and Collective Worship recognised as Outstanding overall.   

The full report is shown below:

Section 48 Inspection

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Previous Inspection and Monitoring Visits

St Mary's was inspected under the Section 48 regulations on 28th & 29th June 2016. The report of the inspection is produced for the Archbishop of Liverpool (Code of Canon Law 804 and 806) and for the governors of the school. The inspectors are members of the Christian Education Department and their associates approved by the Archbishop of Liverpool for this purpose. In a similar way to Ofsted inspections, schools are graded as either Outstanding (1), Good (2), Requires Improvement (3) or Inadequate (4).

In this inspection St Mary's was judged as a Good school.  Our own self-evaluation preceding any inspection is always thorough. As can be seen by the Monitoring letter from February 2019, very good progress is being made by St Mary's in ensuring the school maintains, and improves, on the very high standards we hold. See below for the links to the Section 48 report (2016) and the Monitoring visit (2019).

Section 48 Inspections 2016 & 2019

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